Galeria de tiro
We engage the most inspired minds to do the best work of their careers. In fact, Fortune ranked us a Best Place to Work for Millennials. We engage the most inspired minds to do the


We engage the most inspired minds to do the best work of their careers. In fact, Fortune ranked us a Best Place to Work for Millennials. We engage the most inspired minds to do the best work of their careers. In fact, Fortune ranked us a Best Place to Work for Millennials. We engage the most inspired minds to do the best work of their careers. In fa

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Personas aprobadas
We engage the most inspired minds to do the best work of their careers. In fact, Fortune ranked us a Best Place to Work for Millennials. We engage the most inspired minds to do the best work of their careers. In fact, Fortune ranked us a Best Place to Work for Millennials. We engage the most inspired minds to do the best work of their careers. In fact, Fortune ranked us a Best Place to Work for Millennials. We engage the most inspired minds to do the best work of their careers. In fact, Fortune ranked us a Best Place to Work for Millennials.
We engage the most inspired minds to do the best work of their careers. In fact, Fortune ranked us a Best Place to Work for Millennials. We engage the most inspired minds to do the best work of their careers. In fact, Fortune ranked us a Best Place to Work for Millennials. We engage the most inspired minds to do the best work of their careers. In fa

Instalaciones Shooting Zaragoza

¿Qué te vas a encontrar?

10 Calles arma corta
Hasta 25m. Apta para munición blindada.

2 Calles arma larga
Hasta 50m. Equipada con bancos de apoyo.

Alquiler de armas
Más de 40 armas largas y cortas en alquiler.

Club de tiro
Adscrito a la FATO.

Aire comprimido y Airsoft
No se necesita licencia, sin edad mínima.

Galería Automatizada
Con blancos hasta puesto del tirador.

Blancos Digitalizados
Visualiza tus tiradas en pantalla y olvídate del catalejo.